Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

I have been Insomnia since 2007.

Have you ever been insomnia for a long time? I bet you have !! . I have been insomnia for almost 5 years. It began when i was in university. I lived in dorm with room-mate, also Indonesian and she had the same problem like me. Actually, i didn't realize that i was in that condition. I couldn't sleep before dawn and i spent my time with online, reading a book, calling friend and many more. Even my body was tired after activity along day, i still couldn't sleep.

And hell yeah, here i am with my insomnia :). Always stuck with my laptop and blackberry, i don't know what to do beside reading timeline on twitter ( twitter officially becomes my second world ). I always imagine, when will i get out from this condition?. Insomnia is killing me softly, killing my body, mind, and emotion. 

Dear Insomnia, don't you know that you are very bad huh?

Hey guys, who knows how to cure the insomnia? or maybe some of you are insomnia too ?
Tell me x)

I'm stressed out being insomnia. Get me out of here !!

Good mid-nite blogger, hope you sleep well. So envy !!.

xoxo ;)

5 komentar:

  1. kadang aku malah Hypersomia *kebanyakan tidur* haha insomnia ituu cobain tidur awal aja kaa. atau ngitung domba 1-100..dijaminn makin bangun hahahaks

  2. udah nyoba ka, gabisa tdur juga.. insom ini keknya cinta mati kali ma aku ya, gamau dy putus ama aku.

  3. coba cari makanan yg mengandung zat2 yg bisa mempermudah tidur. bisa juga krn kekurangan zat tersebut. Djoen.

  4. juga hindari teh kental dan kopi

  5. halo anonim ehehe, i dont know who you are.
    iya udah makan kangkung juga sepiring, gbsa2 tdur :)).
    Udh jrng bgt ngopi, lebih sering nge-teh si :s
